Addiction Freedom
A powerful way to stop your struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. Never Relapse Again!
This Hypnotherapy Method Make a Big Change in the Very First Day
Download the Brochure here
For Drug or Alcohol addiction, this is your chance to stop your struggle for good.
The Addiction Freedom Program is a life changing course, that gives you personal daily attention with your coach.
The workbook guides you through the daily lessons, with hypnotherapy sessions 3 times a day.
You are immersing your mind with all the elements of permanent change.
A proven and powerful program that uses Hypnotherapy to free an addict from the fear of relapse, create a life they love and stop the cravings and triggers.
For over two decade, Addiction Freedom has helped people who have failed repeatedly.
The brain of an addict must have a massive change in their beliefs, values and triggers.
Training the subconscious mind is completely ignored in most drug and alcohol rehab centers, and as a result their FAILURE RATE is over 90%.
Ken went from fat slob alcoholic to something amazing!
Feel the transformation as you release fear and doubt, and operate from a totally new identity.
POWERFUL- NOT POWERLESS. Meet your powerful self that emerges after addiction. Discover the aspects of yourself that are unique and and strong. Start living and loving your new extraordinary life.
TRIGGERS. Strengthen your new core values. A powerful, positive trigger is easily created. Your new power will drive you to the right decision in every moment.
INVENT YOUR FUTURE. Experience your future self to become that person now. This will create and reinforce that you are a strong, healthy and amazing person living a life you love
YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS HOLDS THE KEY. Rewiring the brain’s neural pathways is proven to permanently affect your behavior and stop the cravings caused by emotional and mental triggers. The most exciting part of this therapy is the immediate freedom and change that you will experience.
FIND YOUR LIFE FORCE. You will experience this hypnotic bliss that activates every cell in your body with the commitment to a healthy life. You will feel your new power every day.
“Hi Wendi, Today is my 5th day without a drink. What a miracle. And... 3 days ago I went to the grocery store for a couple of staples and arrived at the check-out with a basket full of all kinds of fruit and vegetable juices. That was a first! I know I have a long way to go yet, but for the first time in YEARS, I truly have hope and believe your program will continue to work for me. I'm very grateful to you, Wendi. Joan”
“Wendi, I listen to your three minute hypnosis every morning and at other times in the day if I feel I need a boost!....but I am so thankful to you....I give you the credit for my sobriety....and for the peaceful response that I have now to the things that used to trigger the anxiety and fear that made me want to have a drink....I have tried everything...(or so I thought!).... I have destroyed relationships right and left since I started to drink....and already some of the people I love have let me back into their lives, and it feels so good to have another chance.... Lyndsey”
“Dear Wendi, First the problem. I drank every night and felt trapped. I was a functioning alcoholic. In addition, when my wife fell asleep I would eat carb-laden food and hardly remembered eating it... the bottom line was that I was headed for a train wreck if I did not do something. Just saying "NO" did not work—I tried to quit several times and failed and each failure further exacerbated my situation and my self-esteem. AA, while great for the very far gone, was not for me. Finally, in desperation, I searched the Internet for some help and clicked on your site... BEST DECISION THAT I HAVE EVER MADE!!! I have much greater energy in my life. Everything is better… I have received numerous comments from family and friends noting that I look 10 years younger. Thanks for putting this program together. Sincerely, Jeff P.S. I have recommended your site to all my friends. Not only have I not had a drink since April 15th of 2005 but I have lost 50 pounds as a killer side benefit.”
“Dear Wendi, I started this course 6 wks ago, I gotta tell you I haven't had a beer in six weeks and my family came over drinking for thanksgiving and I wasn't even tempted have a beer. I only listened to 3 or 4 days of your program, and I just totally lost my urge to have a beer which is unusual because I drink a minimum of a 6 pack a day, and have for 15 years. Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. Keven”
“Hi Wendi I do hope more folks will hear you, and if my words help that's great. I hate to see anyone struggle with that awful addiction. This year...I have an April marathon in Charlottesville Va, I'll spend the summer months racing in triathlons, and then another marathon in Charlotte, NC to close out the year. My ultimate goal is to qualify and race in the Ironman in Kona Hawaii. I do like shocking people who can remember me as a 250 pound beer drinking slob. The transformation to some is unbelievable. This will be my 4th New Years Eve alcohol free, and it all started with your program. Just wanted to thank you again, as I will always be grateful. Tell these folks if they have tried to quit before, Like I had a hundred times pre Wendi... Just give your program a shot- that was the last time I had to quit! Great saying... change your mind change your life. Worked for me. All my love to you and yours ...ever grateful, Ken Claffey (KEN now travels the world- he is an IRON MAN Triathalete!) ”
Addiction Freedom - Nutrition
FREE PREVIEWVideo- Beliefs about yourself at 1 week in the future
FREE PREVIEWBrain Health, Journal and Hypnosis Sessions
Your Journal Download
Future Time Line, 1 week- Alcohol
FREE PREVIEWFuture Time Line, 1 week- Drugs
FREE PREVIEWSleep- Sacred Serenity
Wake Up Happy Session
What did you feel in your future vision? What did you feel was the most important thing you got from this?
How much do you want this? Let's find out.
The Fork In The Road- Split Timeline Session
Blissful Deep Sleep
Wake Up Happy- Infusion Words
Fork in the Road - While you were on the path to the left, what scared you the most? On the path to the right, what made you most excited about living a great life?
How ready are you?
How do we create a future and make it real?
FREE PREVIEWYour Future, Create a Powerful One!
Future Timeline Intro
Future Timeline Drugs
Future Timeline Alcohol
Sleep Blissful
Wake Up Happy - Healthy and Strong
Future timeline questions
Addiction Freedom Day 3
Day 3- Your Past Timeline, and the Swish
Past Timeline Alcohol
Past Timeline Drugs
Swish Intro- How to Use This Session
The SWISH session
Sleep- Sacred Serenity
Wake Up Happy- Gratitude
questions- swish
Start today, stop the struggle. I am here for you... Wendi
Regular price
So many things learned about our brains!
So many things learned about our brains!
Read LessAll of the writing is thought-provoking and gives me the motivation that I need to continue on this journey. The text is uplifting and gives me much hope. If we were writing this by stars I would give it five!!
All of the writing is thought-provoking and gives me the motivation that I need to continue on this journey. The text is uplifting and gives me much hope. If we were writing this by stars I would give it five!!
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