Sweet Dreams

Reprogram your subconscious mind as you sleep each night

A very unique way to make massive changes as you sleep.
The focus is on all the aspects of weight loss issues. This program takes you on a lulling, blissful experience as you fall asleep.
In addition to using this for sleep, you can play it in the background while doing your computer work, at your office, or anytime you want to infuse your day with an amazing eyes open or closed trance! I recently listened to it while on my computer, I just let it play in the background. What a trip! I felt amazing changes happening.  Seriously, get this. 

But please, NEVER listen while driving.
(The results of our Sweet Dreams test groups were overwhelmingly successful. The survey of people using this for one week exceeded our expectations. Try it!)
Release Fat, love yourself more, commit to exercise, get excited about eating healthy foods, stop sugar cravings and so much more. You will love these new and unusual hypnosis sessions.

Research shows that getting good sleep, and plenty of it, can help you lose weight. And not getting enough sleep makes you fat.
So... I created 8 sessions that are used while you fall asleep. Each one is a different topic and has double voice sessions that implant the suggestions for weight issues right smack into your brain. 

Not only do you lose the fat but you sleep like a frikken rock.
It is a combo made in heaven, don't you agree?

There are sessions for losing sugar cravings, wanting to workout, getting committed, pumping up your metabolism and oh so much more. (I did one about loving yourself that brought tears to my eyes)

As you drift off to sleep do something really amazing for your body and mind, and wake up with a new sense of control.
Each night you can choose a new session, since this package has all of these-

Love to Exercise
Your mind will be programmed to crave exercise and feel good about it!
In Control
- Feel a new sense of being in control about what you eat and making healthy choices
Sugar- Stop sugar cravings, turn off the desire for sweets, feel the desire for healthy foods and fresh foods

Muscle- Grow muscle, program your brain to want exercise, build muscle faster

- Self Sabotage is a big problem with weight loss, this 'parts' therapy will release your sabotage and put you back on track.

- Fire up your fat burning ability, programming your body to increase the metabolism.

Self Esteem- Self love, self respect and feeling good about who you are is a special experience. You will love this! 

Spirit Wisdom- Connect with your higher wisdom to find spiritual balance with having your lean, healthy body. 

What do you feel most frustrated when trying to lose weight?

Let's fix it!

  • Do You Want It To Be Easy?

    My clients often tell me how hard it is to lose weight. They describe their struggle with hunger, cravings, frustration and failure. But, What If it could be easy and you simply start realizing that eating smaller amounts, more slowly, forgetting about fast food... is suddenly easy?

  • Joan made it easy...

    Hey Wendi, I just listened to your Sweet Dreams sessions, and not only did I sleep like a rock, I did not feel very hungry the next day. Then a few days in, I realized I am eating more mindfully. And I felt like I released some emotional conflicts about dieting. Anyway, I am way less stressed and losing weight now! Thank you, thank you. Joan

  • Do you just want to sleep... and change?

    Take a nap with one of my sessions. Use it while you are falling asleep. Drift off to the positive and transforming words as your subconscious mind s guided to make massive changes during sleep.

What is in this program that makes such big changes?

Start right now and feel it for yourself

    1. About Sweet Dreams

    1. Love To Excercise

    1. In Control

    1. Sugar

    1. Muscle

    1. Parts

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Get started. Feel amazing.

Eight Powerful, Blissful Sessions.