Ready For A Big Change?

You are going to LOVE this...

  • Appetite Zapper

    Stop snacking, eat healthy and end your cravings for sugar and junk food. This process will totally change how your brain craves food. You will be craving the healthy foods while your subconscious mind loses interest in junk food and sugar.

  • Love To Exercise

    I know it seems weird. How could a simple hypnosis session make you actually LOVE to exercise? Could this tap into your desire to be fit, feel the rush, be proud of your accomplishments? Why yes it can, and it will. You will love your body and give it the strength it needs.

You Will Love Healthy Foods

Flip the switch, turn off junk food and sugar cravings.

Appetite Zapper

This  hypnotic Appetite session uses a unique method of creating an internal (and unconscious) mechanism that makes food choices for you. Without a thought you will find that your appetite has changed. One of my clients told me that she was cutting up vegetables the next day for a snack. She says she never eats vegetables, but now loves them.

Another client told me that she had a box of chocolates in front of her and didn’t feel like eating them. She called me to ask if something was wrong with her. I said, “Well, tell me how you feel about the chocolates." She said that she just didn’t feel like eating them. “Wonderful! Your inner mind is doing just what it should... making it natural and easy for you to turn down the fatty foods."

Love to Exercise
A powerful hypnotherapy experience.
You will wake up ready to work out. This new recording is even more motivating and will make your mind and body crave the endorphins the sweat and the oxygen! 

Ready to put a stop to your sugar cravings?

Do you want to get excited about working out rather than dreading it?

Are you ready to trade junk food for vegetables and enjoy it?

 "Wendi, You are awesome!!! I have been listening to Appetite Zapper and Virtual Stomach Staple for just over 2 weeks now and I have lost 10 lbs so far! Right up until my last meal before listening to my first cd, I was craving fast food constantly. I have not had a single bite, or even wanted one since. A nice extra, I was also previously addicted to diet soda, I tried to give up several times with no success. I have not had a sip since my first cd. I am excited to find out what other cool things I am going to be able to accomplish with your help!"    Shannon


I cannot thank you enough for your weight loss program. I have been using this for about 2 weeks now (and of course not using them according to the program instructions :-) ) - I started with the  the appetite zapper and it only at night.. I do not weigh myself but regardless of amount of weight loss, my entire eating pattern has completely changed. everything you talk about in the appetite zapper has come true. Plus I use it at night when going to sleep so I hardly even pay attention. I only eat healthy foods now and am usually full most of the day. All this has occurred in just 2 weeks. one of the telltale signs of early on success was Christmas dinner. Usually I would simply try to cram as much food down into my stomach as I possibly could and this year I had one normal size plate and didn't have any desire for more. Someone asked if I wanted more and I thought about it for a second and said "no". That was my first sign of success. I am 56 years old, do not cook (microwave mary would be a great description) and only ate "crap". I now eat protein and low carbs and fruits etc. It is totally amazing!!!!! I don't know how to thank you.
Jennifer Wilson

Course curriculum

    1. Intro

    2. Appetite Zapper Intro

    1. The Zapper

    1. Love to Exercise

About this course

  • $19.90
  • 4 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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